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Close More Life Insurance Cases: Know How to Talk to Prospects

People can smell a life insurance sales pitch a mile away.

They know what they’re in for as soon as you say, “Hi, I’m John and I just need a minute of your time.”


Because they’ve probably been approached this way a multitude of times, they’ll either walk away or tune you out.

There’s more to making a sale than just a good pitch.

You need to employ strategies that will open the lines of communication between you and your potential client.

Take a look at some ways to better engage your prospects in conversation and have better luck selling life insurance.

How to Place More Life Insurance Cases

1. Make it Personal

Using someone’s first name is a simple but effective way to make a connection. It has two distinct advantages.

First, it gives the prospect the feeling that you’re seeing him as an individual and not just a potential sale.

It also helps you to remember that you’re talking to a real person with unique needs and circumstances.


Getting personal makes you slow down and concentrate on the way you’re coming across.

2. Use Specific Examples

Don’t just give your client a list of facts, figures and arbitrary information.

Let them know how a life insurance policy will help them out in specific scenarios.

It’s okay to ask someone what she would do if her husband died and how she would support her family.

Make your prospects really think about how his family would keep up their standard of living if he were to suffer a catastrophic event.

3. Put the Numbers in the Best Light

As you converse with people, you’ll eventually get to the point at which the cost comes up.

Be smart about the way you address it.


Here’s a handy little tip:

  • Use the monthly amount when you’re telling the client what they will have to pay, but use the yearly amount when you’re talking about the amount of money they’ll save.


It’s a way to get convince your customer that they’re getting a great value for a small amount of money.

For example, a $100 per month payment seems smaller than a $600 semi-annual payment.

When you’re talking to your client about annual savings, you’re helping him to see the big picture.

4. Use Layman’s Terms

Many people already view the process of buying insurance as overwhelming and confusing.


When you speak to them in terms that they don’t understand, you’re widening the gap and lowering the chances that you’ll make a sale.

You always want your customers to understand exactly what they’re buying and why they need it.

Put yourself in their shoes and don’t use fancy-schmancy words! 

5. Highlight the Discounts

When you do get around to talking numbers with a client, focus more on the discounts they will receive and less on their costs.

It’s important that each interaction you have with your customers about costs puts the spotlight on what they’re saving and not what they’re spending.


6. Keep the Clients You Have

Once a prospect becomes a client, your tactics should change – but not much.

You always want to keep the lines of communication open.

Remember, a lot of your business will come from referrals and repeat buyers, so you need to stay in touch!

Here are some ways to do it.

  • Send out birthday cards.
  • Send emails out several times a year.
  • Make periodic phone contact.

Each of these is a way to remind your clients that you’re there. It also might prompt them to reevaluate their needs and adjust their coverage as needed.

Closing Life Insurance Cases Is All About the Personal Touch

Clients will remember how you made them feel.

When you use their name in conversation and use concrete examples to highlight their need for your services, you’re making connections.

Speaking to people in terms they understand and keeping the focus on the great deal they’re getting will effectively move them from prospect to actual client.


Don’t give up contact after the sale is made! Keep in touch so that you reap the benefits of repeat business and referrals – placing more life insurance cases.

Originally published 8/17 ; Updated 4/21

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