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Prepare Your Clients for Paramed Exams, Save Them Money (VIDEO)

You’re at that point in the process.

It’s time for your prospect to undergo their paramedical exam before they can be approved for life insurance coverage.

Preparation for a paramed exam should consist of more than making sure your prospect “passes.”

The truth is, the preparation for the exam has a huge impact on your prospect’s offer.

Want to save your prospects some money?

Want to close more cases?

Want to get paid?

Watch the video now to find out how you should advise prospects to prepare for the paramed exam and come away with the most favorable results.

You can also check out the full video transcript after the video.


If you believe that preparation is the key to a good result, then you'll definitely want to hear what I'd like to share with you about paramed exams. 

You know, some people say they’re a necessary evil in order to purchase life insurance. But if approached correctly, they can actually save your prospect a lot of money and increase your chances of closing the case and you getting paid. 

Preparing for a paramed exam is critical to ensuring accurate results and to give your prospect the best chance of a favorable underwriting offer. 

So here are a few essential tips leading up to the exam. 

First, remind your prospect that they are in control, not the examiner. 

Advise them to schedule the exam at their earliest convenience and pick a comfortable location like their home, their office, or somewhere private. 

If at any time during the exam they become uncomfortable, for whatever reason, let them know they can stop it and reschedule it for another time. 

Second, a paramed should ideally be scheduled in the morning. Your prospect should get a good night's rest and fast for 4-8 hours before the exam for the best possible results. And most people are just more relaxed in the morning before day-to-day stress kicks in. 

Third, advise your prospect to limit or avoid any caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol at least 24 hours before the exam. All of these can increase blood pressure and cholesterol readings.

You want to give them the best chance for good lab results and good measurements. 

Of course, there are many other important tips that will ensure your client has a good experience during and after their paramed exam. If you'd like a more comprehensive guide to ensure accurate paramed results, give us a call! We'll show you how to take the evil out of paramed exams.

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