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Life Insurance Sales Opportunities: Policy Review [Video]

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on 4/4/17 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehension.

Why is life insurance policy review important?

Life insurance policy review is important to make sure your clients’ objectives are being met and their policies are still appropriate for their needs.

You want more life insurance sales opportunities.

Who doesn’t?

In this video, we’ll show you how one simple act (a life insurance policy review) can put you in front of qualified prospects (people who already know and appreciate the value of a life insurance policy) and sell more.

Don’t let factors like low interest rates or poor market performance  –  and especially your clients’ changing needs – affect their outcomes, and how they view your performance as an agent.

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Our turnkey policy review program will help you find ways to better serve customers, by reducing premiums, increasing death benefit coverage, extending the policy’s duration, or improving the contract’s guarantees.

Watch the video to learn how you can get more life insurance sales opportunities with policy review. 

Keep reading below for the full video transcript.

Life Insurance Sales Opportunities


You know the saying, “It's what you don't know that can hurt you?” Well, it's definitely true when it comes to in force life insurance policies

It's ironic – we physically take care of ourselves with annual checkups to the doctor's office, most of us take our cars in for regular maintenance, and we are constantly monitoring our 401k account balances, probably all too often. 

But when it comes to life insurance, most people who buy it just throw the policies in a drawer and forget about it until they realize that what they bought is not what they expect. Low interest rates, lackluster stock performances, term insurance reaching the end of iteration, and a lot of other factors affect the performance of an unlimited number of in force life insurance policies. 

Well, guess what? It doesn't have to be that way. Whether it's term insurance or permanent coverage, a simple insurance policy review is a great way to make sure your client’s insurance policy is meeting their needs and their expectations. 

As your clients' needs change, you can uncover sales opportunities using policy review. Policy review will create opportunities to reduce your client’s premiums, increase their death benefit coverage, extend the duration, or even improve the guarantees found in the contract. 

So how do you approach policy review? 

Well, we've got a turnkey program designed to make this process easy. Our policy review tools provide you with opportunities to open discussions with people who already understand the power of life insurance but are indeed in need of an annual checkup. You won’t be going at it alone because we will walk you through this entire process. 

Want to increase your life insurance sales using policy review? Give us a call and, remember, it's what you don't know that can hurt you.

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