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Life Insurance Prospecting: A 10-Step Guide for the Digital Age

You’re busy. We get it.

But that’s no excuse for not altering your prospecting efforts for the digital age. What used to work 20 years ago – handing out business cards, putting up billboards – won’t necessarily work anymore.

Your audience is increasingly becoming technologically savvy – ditching face-to-face networking events for social media chats. They’re looking for information about you online, searching agent websites to find out what you’re about – a tool that gets much more reach than a billboard.

We’re not telling you to ditch these tried-and-true methods. But we are saying you need to change.

And if we’re honest, change is painful. But in this case it will be oh-so-worth it.

What else should you be doing aside from Yellow Page ads, billboards and cold calls? Try some of these tactics on for size:

1. Use An Email Signature

Whenever you send an email to a prospect, customer, friend or family, set up an automated email signature to include your complete contact information.

2. Update Your Website

Or better yet, create one if you haven’t yet. The website doesn’t need to be complicated. But it should look up-to-date and include critical information on pages like About Us, Why Choose Us, and What We Do.

3. Get on YouTube 

Create simple sales videos explaining your products or services. Consumers love video. Just be sure to keep them fairly brief and include a call to action.

4. Link

Link like crazy in everything you do (social media, emails, etc.) Include links to your website, videos and any other assets you have when prospecting.

5. Use Social Media

Get on Facebook and Twitter to sell your services. Don’t be overly promotional, however; it’ll turn the audience away. Instead, offer information that’s of value to customers – like how to choose the right life insurance policy or five signs you don’t have enough homeowner’s insurance.

6. Try PPC

Pay-per-click advertising is similar to radio or TV ads in nature. PPC lets you run targeted ads based on demographics, but they run on the internet.

7. Create Email Newsletters

If you capture email addresses, put them to good use by sending an email newsletter to prospects and customers. The newsletter to customers should differ from the one for prospects, as you’ll want to nurture upsells, cross-sells and referrals to customers. Prospects haven’t yet purchased from you, on the other hand. In this newsletter, you should provide value, set your services apart and convince them that you’re a valuable resource.

8. Boost SEO

If you want your website to show up in a Google search (or other internet search), it needs top-notch SEO. Google uses three factors to rank local businesses: location, relevance and prominence. Work with an expert to increase the SEO of your website and watch the traffic roll in.

9. Write A Press Release

Publishing fresh content on your website is another way to increase SEO and provide value for customers and prospects. Press releases are the perfect way to capitalize on new goings-on within your company, such as a new location, new or product. You never know: The local paper may pick up on the event and publish it to their site, too – extending its reach.

10. Use Review Sites

Local review sites like Yelp let businesses set up a profile. When a consumer performs a search, your business will show up. You can also invite customers to write a review on Yelp, creating a source for online testimonials.

Stay up-to-date with digital prospecting trends

The best life insurance producers are the ones that can adapt to the times. These online marketing ideas are for the insurance agent who’s realized the digital age cannot be ignored. Try one of the methods and see what kind of results you get. Choose another, and give it your all.

How to do life insurance prospecting in the digital age

  1. Use an email signature
  2. Update your website
  3. Get on YouTube
  4. Link
  5. Use social media
  6. Try Pay-per-click
  7. Create email newsletters
  8. Boost SEO
  9. Write a press release
  10. Use review sites


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