Growing your sales is a key goal for every life insurance producer. There are a number of ways to do so, but the best way is to first establish a relationship of trust between you and your clients and the prospects you want to transition into loyal customers.
The following articles delve into the ways that you can increase your sales by meeting your clients where they are and helping them to understand why they need the products and services you have to offer.
They’ll begin to look to you as a trusted resource and will return to you for their life insurance needs, as well as refer their friends and family.
The 1 Key Thing You Should Do to Drive Sales
You won’t get very far if you don’t meet your customers where they are. Listening to what they have to say is crucial. Each and every communication you have with your clients and prospects is important. And you should do all that you can to make each contact meaningful and valuable for them. Learn how you can build trust and the changes you may want to make in order to build a better relationships with those you’re seeking to serve.
Read more about what you should be doing to drive sales.
Key Person Life Insurance Policy: How to Increase Sales by 100 Percent (VIDEO)
The “Key Person” in this type of life insurance policy typically has to do all the work – getting the physical exam and going through the underwriting process – without getting any benefit (except for being employed, of course!). There is a way for them to benefit, too – and the employer will look like a hero. Watch the video to learn more about a death benefit salary continuation plan and how it can sweeten the pot for the “Key Person.” They get a benefit and you’ll get an extra sale.
Read more and watch the video to find out how to increase your Key Person life insurance sales.
How to Accelerate Your Life Insurance Sales
Even the best life insurance producer experiences a lag in sales now and then. Sometimes, all you need is to take a step back, assess what you need to change and then move forward with your revamped strategies in mind. In this comprehensive guide, you’ll get all the information you need to position yourself for success, build trust with your prospects and much more to help you get your sales up to speed again.
Read more about amping up your life insurance sales.
Expand Your Life Insurance Sales to Include Disability Insurance
Upselling is one of the ways to experience growth. Your existing clients trust you, so you have the job of helping them see why disability insurance is something they should consider. You’ll learn how you can counter their objections with facts and explain all the ins and outs – so that they understand exactly what they’re getting and why it will benefit them. You’ll see how to show them that disability insurance fits into their budget and that they have options.
Read more about why you should expand your life insurance sales to include disability insurance.
How to Boost Life Insurance Sales
You can’t put a price on valuable customers. But, if you could, it would be a big one. You can take your sales even higher when you leverage the relationships you’ve built with your most faithful clients. To do so, you need to learn how to personalize communication, provide value to your customers, earn their trust and basically make them fall in love with you. This article gives you practical tips to build the kind of mutually beneficial relationships with your clients.
Read more about giving your life insurance sales a boost.
How do you go about building relationships with those you serve?