After all these years as a life insurance agent, are you still wondering how to get ahead?
It’s a challenge to push sales into overdrive and really solidify your business as a mainstay in your community.
If you want to accelerate your life insurance sales, you’ve got to learn what the really good guys are doing.
What is it that separates the really successful agents from the rest?
If you can put yourself in their position and be a fly on the wall in their office during the day, here is one of the things you’ll see:
Systems for life insurance sales
A successful business has to have systems, otherwise, how else will you make sure that you and your team understand how to get things done?
And they also ensure that tasks do indeed get done.
You should have a system for your life insurance prospecting and marketing for a number of reasons, such as:
To understand the customer journey (from quote to loyalty).
To align your marketing and prospecting to that journey.
To ensure that you monitor the right types of activities.
To select technologies to support these activities.
With these systems in place, you can accelerate life insurance sales, because you’ll:
Attract high-quality prospects to your business and fill your lead funnel.
Convert a large percentage of prospects into customers.
Enhance those relationships so you offer as much value as possible, and the customer turns to you for all of her insurance needs.
Keep customers happy.
Here’s how the system could work:
Prospects “land” in your funnel knowing very little about you.
As they learn more about your business and get to know you better, they can move through the stages of buying, and eventually, become your brand promoters.
They’ll sell your services and products to their friends and family, helping you generate more new customers and keep the sales machine pumping.
But without a system in place, how can you know if your prospecting and marketing strategies are working?
Generating a well-crafted system powered by technology that facilitates customer communication will drive leads into your funnel and increase your sales, generating a clear path to take prospects from introduction status to loyal customer in as little time as possible.
Getting started
What’s the first step to creating a solid system? Get to know your customers.
You can’t build a customer lifecycle if you don’t really know their problems.
You’ve got to respect where they’re coming and truly understand their pain points so you can generate high-quality content that speaks to their experience.
When you come from this point of view, your content will drive your business forward.
From your website to emails to direct mail to phone calls, your systems will ensure satisfied customers and better life insurance sales.
Where do you struggle with creating systems for your business?