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Insurance Agent Marketing and Social Media Go Hand-in-Hand

Using social media to market your life insurance business is probably not second nature.

You’re good at prospecting and selling. That’s what leads to sales.

But in a digital world, and with millennials becoming the largest consumer group, the sooner you master social media marketing, the better.

In previous blogs, we’ve talked about how to find life insurance prospects on social media  and how to build a strategy.

About a month after you get going with an insurance marketing strategy on social media, you’ll want to sit back and analyze what you’ve been doing.

With a performance evaluation, you’ll discover:

  • What’s been working well.
  • What needs to be adjusted.
  • What needs to be ditched.
  • What needs to be revamped.

Here’s how to get started.

1.Set a goal

Without benchmarks for success, how will you know if you’re doing well?

You need to set a benchmark that will indicate if your social media strategy is performing well.

Review your stats and create a file that shows the average clicks, likes, shares and comments for each post. This will give you a starting place to measure engagement.

2. Test

With a benchmark in place, you can start testing various elements. For example:

  • If you add visuals, do likes go up?
  • If you use curated content (articles written by industry leaders), do shares increase?
  • If you change your voice, do the stats respond accordingly?

best life insurance agent

3. Make adjustments

As you make adjustments in your approach, implement these new tactics throughout your social media marketing.

And learn as you go.

For example, one type of content might get massive appeal on LinkedIn, but totally flop on Twitter.

This kind of data will help you adjust your marketing approach on each platform and focus on the types of content that will increase engagement and get you noticed.

4. Metrics to use

Metrics is a fancy word for measurement.

You’ll want to create metrics that are:

  • Specific.
  • Business-oriented.
  • Measurable.

These kinds of metrics will help you ultimately increase sales by focusing on generating leads.

Here’s an example of how to use metrics, working backwards from sales to social media content:

I want to generate $500 in sales from 10 customers. (specific and business-oriented metric)

I will need 50 leads from 30 posts on Facebook, 8 LinkedIn articles, and 90 Twitter posts a month for the next 3 months.

A specific, strategic social media strategy can help your insurance agent marketing really soar.

Don’t get stuck in yesterday’s tactics.

As more and more people shop around for products and services on the internet and use the web in the early buying stages, you need to get comfortable with using these tactics in your selling arsenal.

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