LWT Agency Blog

Using Life Insurance Training & Education to Be Success [VIDEO]

Written by LWT Agency | Nov 14, 2017 6:28:00 PM

Being prepared is crucial.

When you know more, you sell more.

You won’t impress as many prospects or close as many deals when your training is lacking.

One of the ways you can boost your knowledge is to attend life insurance training events – like this webinar – in order to stay on top of your game and share the most up-to-date options with your prospects and clients.

Most of your clients are in a position where they’re concerned about what a premature death, long-term illness or even out-living their policy will mean for their carefully procured nest egg.

This life-insurance training webinar takes you behind the scenes of a permanent life insurance policy that offers:

  • A death benefit that lasts forever.
  • A chronic illness rider in case Long Term Care is ever needed.
  • An income option to supplement retirement.
  • A Return of Premium feature in case the client changes their mind.
  • Guarantees to provide assurances.

You client won’t have to worry about what will happen if they die too soon, live too long or get sick along the way.

It’s a win for you and a win for your clients, but you can’t sell it to them if you don’t understand it, right?

Join in and watch the webinar now  –  and get the training you need at the same time  –  and find out how this special life insurance solution may be just what your clients are looking for.



What is your response to clients who are worried about protecting their savings in the event someone gets seriously ill or dies early?